Home / Environmental / Pennsylvania RACT2 (& RACT3) is final!!

Pennsylvania RACT2 (& RACT3) is final!!

RACT 2 was finally published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin on 4/23. The application due date is October 24, 2016 and compliance date is January 1, 2017. If add-on controls or retrofits are required to meet the emission limits, sources can request alternative compliance schedule.

Does it impact your facility? If the NOx emissions are above 100tpy and VOC emissions are above 50tpy….Yes!! (Generally speaking)

What needs to be done? There are three options:

  1. Submit an application to take the limit and get out of RACT 2 applicability (if actual NOx and VOC emissions are below thresholds)
  2. Meet the emissions limit prescribed by the regulations by installing retrofit technology or document that the existing technology already meets the limit.
  3. Conduct a case-by-case analysis for retrofit technologies and propose a RACT 2 emission limit based upon technical feasibility and economics.

There are always exceptions and each applicable unit is unique based upon location, installation date, and technical issues.

Feel free to reach out and discuss if RACT 2 will impact your business.

(RACT 3 is here…)

If you have any questions contact Sam Joshi, P.E. at (215) 389-2811.

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