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Environmental Policy- Why it is important!

An environmental policy is a written statement, usually signed by senior management, and outlines company’s commitment to the laws, regulations, and policies in relation to managing the environmental aspects and impacts of its operations.

Environmental policies are voluntary…but highly recommended. Having an environmental policy can provide significant benefits to a corporation. These include:

  • helping the company stay within the law
  • improving information for employees about their environmental roles and responsibilities
  • improving the efficiency of the processes
  • reducing incidents that result in liability
  • conserving raw materials and energy
  • improving cost control

By demonstrating commitment to environmental management, a company can develop positive relations with internal and external stakeholders. This in turn can lead to an improved corporate image and its standing as a corporate citizen.

If you have any questions, or would like to develop an environmental policy for your organization, please contact Sam Joshi at (215) 389-2811.