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Nitrogen Oxides Emissions Accountability (Pennsylvania)

Facilities with boilers, turbines and stationary internal combustion engines above certain size located in the five-county area (Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery or Philadelphia County) are required to surrender two NOx emission allowances if the actual emissions exceed the allowable emissions by over 0.50 tons of nitrogen oxides; one CAIR NOx allowance and one CAIR NOx Ozone Season allowance.

Following sources are subject to the NOx emissions accountability requirements:

  • boilers ≥ 100 million Btu/hour
  • stationary combustion turbines ≥ 100 million Btu/hour
  • stationary internal combustion engines ≥ 1,000 horsepower

The NOx emissions accountability requirements apply for the period from May 1st through September 30th each year and must be purchased and surrendered by November 1st. The facility must provide the serial number of each NOx allowance and the calculations used to determine the quantity of NOx allowances required to be surrendered.

If the facility fails to surrender the required allowances by November 1st, it must surrender three emission allowances for each allowance that was required. This is in addition to a notice of violation (NOV) with monetary fines.

Costs for allowances vary from $250 – $350 for each annual NOx allowance; and $350-$500 for each ozone season allowance. Nonetheless, allowance cost can be influenced by supply, demand, broker fees, and number of allowances purchased. It is recommended that subject facilities act soon rather than later.

For compliance assistance with §129.204 emission accountability requirements, contact Sam Joshi at (215) 389-2811.